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HomesportHong Kong25 memorable sporting moments for Hong Kong since the 1997 handover

25 memorable sporting moments for Hong Kong since the 1997 handover

SportHong Kong

Hong Kong handover: 25 memorable sporting moments since 1997

The 25 years since the handover to China have seen unprecedented achievements by Hong Kong on the world stage, and world stars gracing the Hong Kong stageLasting impressions include shoot-outs and showjumpers, Fiji’s Sevens and Shane Warne’s Sixes, a Tokyo medal flood and an infamous waterlogged pitchHong Kong at 25: ReflectionsSCMP SportPublished: 9:30am, 3 Jul, 2022Why you can trust SCMP

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As Hong Kong marks 25 years since its 1997 return from British to Chinese rule, the Post recalls the memorable moments in sport for the city and its athletes.

In that quarter-century, Hong Kong hit new heights at the Olympics, hosted the region’s and planet’s finest, and produced world champions of the track, table and pool. There has been the odd damp spot, too. Here are some stand-outs.

1. Tokyo medal rush

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