Taken from Studio Nashvegas:?http://www.studionashvegas.com/responsive-design-2/a-responsive-menu-solution-for-wordpress/ Here is a working example of the responsive select menu:?http://www.outandaboutmarketing.com/ A few months ago I modified a really cool WordPress template and started using it for my own clients. ?As part of the overhaul, I realized that there was no really good way (included) to turn a WordPress unordered list into Full Article…
Piped Navigation Bar Links with CSS
Here’s the gas! And use this css: Taken from this page: http://www.dillerdesign.com/css/cookbook/links_pipes_list_elements.html
Remove wrapping div and ul from output of wp_nav_menu
Removing the wrapping div is easy. When you use?wp_nav_menu(), add this argument:?‘container’ => false For the?<ul>?element, there’s an argument called?‘items_wrap’. This will remove the ul:??‘items_wrap’ => ‘%3$s’ Otherwise this function will remove the div for you:
Twitter Bootstrap – Code to switch stationary navbar to fixed – Bootstrap
This has been used in the trial sfor the BlackBocks Nylex website. Originally taken from this pastebin. This is an untried piece of code, but still interesting: Fixed Navigation Bar With Twitter Bootstrap
WordPress select menu navigation for mobile sites
The first option is to follow both of these untried tutorials: http://www.xldstudios.com/generating-select-menu-in-wordpress/ http://www.xldstudios.com/javascript-snippet-go-to-site-selected-in-drop-down-menu/? The second option is to try this amazing plugin. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/dropdown-menus/?
Exclude pages in a section (exclude_tree)
All you have to do is include this block of code in your template the same way you would the regular <?php wp_list_pages();?> tag. Page IDs that you would normally pass to exclude_tree go in the first line):
Sidebar menu with a child pages regardless of depth – WP Engineer
This article was taken from WP Engineer: http://wpengineer.com/display-always-subpages-in-sidebar/ In this article I want to show an example in which are the main pages in a horizontal navigation. The related sub-pages are displayed in the sidebar when you click on the main page. For better understanding we take the following page structure: Home Software Image Editor Full Article…
Horizontal Two-Tiered Conditional Navigation
We’ll need code to help us: 1) query the page, 2) determine if there are child pages, and 3) properly highlight both the .current_page_parent and .current_page_item links. If you’re wondering why the CSS seems overly verbose, it’s to make sure the :active and :hover states display correctly whether or not subpages exist — if they Full Article…
Get the root page ID
Get the ID of the root (oldest ancestor, parent without parents) page relative to the current page in a WordPress page template. Can be helpful for use with wp_list_pages() to create navigation markup.
Navigation Menu for sections based on parent and grandparent 02
This code inserts the the sub pages of a parent page, and also the parent page as a link.