Taken from Dig WP:?http://digwp.com/2010/10/change-database-prefix/ One of the awesome things about WordPress is that it’s a?dynamicpublishing system that uses a?database?to store your site’s information: posts, options, plugin and theme settings – all of this data is stored in your site’s database. It’s like the?brain?of your WordPress installation. Unfortunately the WordPress database is also a prime target Full Article…
Automatic cPanel backup (domain & MySQL) with cron & PHP
OK, so I posed the question, and I found?the answer. (Of course I had to find it myself, I just don’t have people who regularly read my posts and do research for me!) The situation is this: I use cPanel on my?web hosting server. I use the cPanel backup tool to regularly backup my home Full Article…
Query both posts and pages within a loop
Taken from here:?http://www.devdevote.com/cms/wordpress-hacks/use-sql-querys-in-the-loop-with-template-tags/ The problem I want to use SQL-querys within the WordPress loop and still be able to use the template tags. In this example I want both posts and pages within the loop. How can I do that? In both query_posts and WP Query I can only get specific posts OR pages, not Full Article…
Remove Post Revisions through phpMyAdmin
Make sure you keep a good backup copy before proceeding with the amendments to your database. Also you can consider using a plugin to allow access to modify your db. Like this: WP-DBManager by Lester Chan. Be aware – you may need to change the name of the db tables for these commands to work Full Article…
Move NextGen Galleries to a new server/domain
How to re-import database tables for the NextGen Gallery Plugin when moving your WordPress website to a new domain – so your photo galleries work again! Sometimes a website’s content needs to be moved to a new domain. If there are pictures and plugins involved, the process gets a little more complicated. I wanted to Full Article…
Mass Delete Pending Comments from WordPress
Run the Following SQL command on your database DELETE FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved = ‘0’
Delete Posts Revisions from Your Database
WordPress has a lot of good features and one of them is Post Revisions. This was included in WordPress 2.6, even though this is a good feature, it can cause some problems. One of them is increase the size of your database. Depending on how long it takes you to write a post, you might Full Article…