Here’s the gas! And use this css: Taken from this page:
Viewing 1 to 4 of 4 items
Remove wrapping div and ul from output of wp_nav_menu
Removing the wrapping div is easy. When you use?wp_nav_menu(), add this argument:?‘container’ => false For the?<ul>?element, there’s an argument called?‘items_wrap’. This will remove the ul:??‘items_wrap’ => ‘%3$s’ Otherwise this function will remove the div for you:
Navigation Menu for sections based on parent and grandparent
This is pretty awesome! I needed to have a sub-navigation links menu using the wp_list_pages function for sections and child pages. I needed the menu to display appropriately if it’s a second-level page with only a parent page? and also if it is a third-level page making the top-level page of the section a grandparent Full Article…