Taken from Tom McFarlin. Though I do the majority of my work using single site WordPress installs, there are a number of sites and projects in which I’ve used WordPress multisite and there’s a problem that I’ve experienced specifically with using WordPress multisite, subdomains, and shared hosting environments. Specifically, the problem is this: Install WordPress Full Article…
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Query both posts and pages within a loop
Taken from here:?http://www.devdevote.com/cms/wordpress-hacks/use-sql-querys-in-the-loop-with-template-tags/ The problem I want to use SQL-querys within the WordPress loop and still be able to use the template tags. In this example I want both posts and pages within the loop. How can I do that? In both query_posts and WP Query I can only get specific posts OR pages, not Full Article…
Multiple Loops without Duplication
If you need to break display your posts in different sections (like in Magazine themes), where you want to display a fixed number of posts first, and the remaining later, you can use this code to make multiple loops (with offsetting the fixed posts in the later loop). The first loop that will pull and Full Article…