Check this JS Fiddle:
How to Target Internet Explorer 10 and 11 in CSS
Logic taken from here: -ms-high-contrast supports two values: none and active. So to target IE10+ regardless of the property’s setting, use this media query:
Add a browser css selector to your html tag
See this great tool:? Demo page here:?
Internet Explorer – Version specific css rules
Amazing article published here originally:? Exclusively targeting IE browsers Style rules defined in the following blocks will only be applied in IE, other browsers will ignore them. Rule IE 6 IE 7 IE 8 IE 9 IE 10 @media screen\0 {…} No No Yes Yes Yes @media screen\9 {…} Yes Yes No No No @media Full Article…
Fix grey google maps
I found this issue with the Manutec store finder. This css fixed the issue returning maps back to their normal display.
Ordered List CSS Styles
Original here:? Styling ordered list numbers with CSS is not as simple as one might think because there is no CSS selector to target list numbers. Styling them is only possible with a simple CSS3 technique that uses a counter to replace the default numbers. Styled numbers will only be visible in CSS3 browsers , Full Article…
z-index & fixed position
A great article/blog post:? The two fixed-position divs on this page are marked up as: and styled thus: Note that the lower, orange element has a?z-index?specified, whilst the first element doesn’t. The?ul?just below this text has a?relative?position. When the page is scrolled, and the orange?div?overlaps that list, all looks fine. When the green div overlaps Full Article…
Vertically align text in a div
This is loosely taken from this page: Here is the html structure: Here’s the css: Must have a height, be set to be a table and have the vertical-align set.
Responsive WordPress Images
WordPress has a few default classes used for things like image alignment, galleries and other html output by core features. This is a combination of the styles found in the default WordPress TwentyEleven theme, and some modifications of my own. Include this snippet with your css to save a bunch of time building your responsive Full Article…